Thursday, November 17, 2005


Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

Lisa darling,

(hope that is your name from what I have read on your blog) I am first happy you posted on my blog! Thank you and you are most welcome ANY time! Come to a Chat in the Attic. We have Loads of fun!!

Secondly I wanted to tell you that I believe people meet for a reason, no matter how they meet, there is and can be a reason.

Reading your first blog I realized I was meant to post to you that I am a SURVIVOR of the exact same life you lived with your husband! While I did have family it was so hard to even try and see them without him being jealous and controlling everything! I LEFT BUT 4 years late. Better then than never! The hitting especially got really bad in the end!

If you EVER need someone to talk to about this I would love for you to contact me. I did it and I am now in a healthy marriage of almost 4 years and you CAN find love and happiness again! PROMISE!

Hang in there! All my best!

3:15 AM  
Blogger I am that I am said...

Hi Lisa

thankyou very much for your invitation, I did find the comments, you're very kind, thanks.
I love the things you have put up, that's exactly what I am interested in. I have studied Gematria or Sacred Geometry a bit too.
I didn't realise or know Lisa, that you had been having some rough times, I wish you good health and happiness.
My mission on Earth is to give love.
When I found that out, I found out that in fact it is the mission of every individual.
The key to its mechanism, is to let the exterior loose, and not be bothered by exterior things, to quieten that down and to get in touch with the real you by telling yourself that you love yourself.
When we feel bad and are or have been treated badly, we are affected, we all hurt.
In Gematria we see how all things are connected, using the first science, what Gematria takes us to is the beginning of communication, the beginning of language, the beginning of the Universe.
When language began each new letter which were often like pictures of what was meant was given a number.
Words in ancient language had numbers attached to them.
when the testaments were put together (yes El wisty was correct she said what I actually meant; they were not composed and then put togeher they were composed through time and were numerous, only a selection was taken from what was available and these were declared the actual word of God which could not be doubted because they were declared to be holy.
All other texts were to be destroyed, so what we got is a very inaccurate picture of where all of the wisdom came from and how it all worked and works still, a terrible loss and very evil)
All of us are affected by the madness of what it has meant to this world and to us as individuals.
The Nag Hammadi texts are what was hidden by those who could not stand by at watch the truth be obliterated and destroyed by those church fathers, who had other motives in their ways than Jesus or any of the other of the Gnostic tradition.
The Nag Hammadi revealed so much, but, the present day churchers will not recognise it, though, it cannot now be ignored.
It goes against what present day christianity and catholicism proposes.
The Nag Hammadi source pre-date those used in the testaments.

It shows a tradition like that of India where the novice learns and only after having reached certain stages are things revealed. So Jesus did not tell everything plainly because people could not understand it that way and would then even use it against him, this is why he talked in parables, and, told certain disciples, two in fact, things that he did not tell the others.
The reason for that was, to love spiritually is the greatest task for us all.
If we are not far enough on our paths we cannot understand, not until we do find out ourselves, this is what Jesus'main theme was, so simple; to know ourselves.
To use our own minds, to listen to our hearts, not to be sheep, it is only love that could create such wonderful ways of explaining how we are, sheep, sheep are cuddly and lovely and sweet, but in calling us sheep it is a slap on the wrist or a statement, because we all know that sheep copy one and other.
So it is affectionately told, we are sheep because we are the sweetest thing, inside of us is that sweetness, but we follow eawch other blindly, that's why the sheep need the shepherd.
It is so beautiful to refer to us this way, so lovingly when telling us off, it is already in these things showing us clearly, listen to your conscience, if all people could, then they would be filled with empathy and would by allowing their intelligence which has its root in kindness and love and reasoning power never be capable of cruelty or war.

In this way Jesus plainly was telling us to rise up and take what is ours, do not stretch the hands out to thieves in the night and be led, instead pepare for the burglars in the world, hold onto to the love and light, know that the darkness which is all things unwise, mean, cruel, ignorant, is in the world.

Rise up, not like what was made of him which is nonsense for us, that he rose up physically after death, no rise up in life to be as that which jesus was a physical representation of, true love which is rooted in spirit.

Nag Hammadi

Gospel Of Thomas

If the body had come into being by spirit, it would truly be a wonder. If spirit had come to being by the body, it would be a wonder of wonders! Indeed, I am amazed at how such a great wealth has made its home in such poverty as this.

It shows here the illogical way of this world where humans identify their sense of self with the body. But if people thought spirit didn't exist because they cannot see it, then it would mean that the body is truly existent because it is immortal but anyone knows that it is not, substance mass matter it could not have begotten itself, it had to come from the seemingly vast nothingness of spirit.
In this way, spirit is our essense came into being because of spirit, the life in the body came from spirit, to where it will return, in fact it doesn't actually have to return because life never left spirit it is we who leave spirit.
Therefore in this way when according to what is written in the Nag Hammadi about Jesus saying
I am amazed at how such a great wealth has made its home in such poverty as this.

He meant that such a great spirit come to be hidden in the on Earth in the chaos, in the hatred, in ,lies, in the misleading and misuse of what is holy who have never let anyone enter the kingdom and never enter themselves. The kingdom is inside us and is the beauty everywhere.

Jesus said, Compare me with someone- tell me whom I am like.
Peter said, You are like a righteous angel. Matthew said, You are like a wise phiosopher. Thomas sai, Master, my mouth is entirely incapable of saying whom you are like. Jesus then said, I am not your master, Thomas. You have become intoxicated by the spring that I have measured out. jesus then took Thomas aside and told him three things. Later, the other disciples asked him what Jesus had said to him. Thomas told them, If I tell you the things he told me, you will pick up rocks to stone me; and if you do, fire will come out of the rocks and consume you.
Thomas' reply was the one Jesus needed to hear, on hearing it from Thomas, Jesus knew that Thomas had completely transformed himself to love, he had demonstrated that he was full of spiritual love.
The reason Jesus tiold thomas that he was not his master, was because Thomas had drunk from Jesus'lips and become him, because Jesus'life was to demonstrate endless love, impersonal, and not subservient in nature but equal, we can all be equal to Jesus. Christianity has made us as subservients beings whilst Jesus invited us to be in him and him in us and all one with God the unnameable.
Those other disciples could not comprehend because even they honoured him still with their lips but nevertheless there hearts were still distant from Jesus.
If Thomas had have told the disciples they aklso would not have understood, because they still did not understand how to be one with Jesus instead they subjected themselves to the lesser position of subservience, because they still did not know themselves if they had, they would have understood how to be just as Jesus instead of idolozing him.
To the others jesus was still master still the shepherd until they worked out what it was to stop being a sheep and to be the sheep that becomes his own shepherd in the sweet mastery of endless unconditional love.
Even being disciples, the others were too weak of flesh, they understood the physical world but Thomas had advanvced and did not even dare to try to explain the incomprehensibility of how a person can love without failing anywhere but to do only for love which is the work that Jesus spoke of in doing his Father's work.
We are thus all to do this work selflessly for all of us together in the dance of life

The Hymn

Glory to Thee Father!
(And we going round in a ring answered to him)
Glory to Thee, Word (logos)!
Glory to Thee Grace (Charis)!
Glory to Thee, Spirit!
Glory to Thee, Holy One!
Glory to Thy Glory!
We praise Thee, O Father;
We give Thanks to Thee, O Light;
In Whom Darkness dwells not!


(For what we give thanks to the Logos).
[Or, if we adopt the embedded text: for what we give thanks, I say]
I would be saved; and I would save.
I would be loosed; and I would loose.
I would be wounded; and I would wound.
[Or I would be pierced and pierce]
I would be begotten; and I would beget
I would hear; and I would be heard.
[I would understand; and] I would be understood; being all Understanding.
I would be washed; and I would wash.
(grace leadeth the dance).
I would pipe; dance ye all.
I would play a dirge; lament ye all.
The one Eight (Ogdoad) sounds (or plays) with us.
The Twelfth number above leadeth the dance.
All whose nature is to dance [doth dance]
Who danceth not, knows not what is being done.
I would flee; and I would stay.
I would be adorned; and I would adorn.
I would be at-oned; and I would at-one.
I have no dwelling, and I have dwellings.
I have no temple; and I have temples.
I am a lamp to thee who seest Me.
I am a mirror to thee who understandest Me.
I am a way to thee a wayfarer.
Now answer to my dancing!
See thyself in Me who speak;
and seeing what I do,
keep silence on My mysteries.

Understand by dancing, what I do;
for thine is the Passion of Man
that I am to suffer.

Thou couldst not at all be conscious
Of what thou dost suffer,
Were I not sent as thy Word by the Father.
I am thy Word; I was sent by the Father

Seeing what I suffer,
Thou sawest Me as suffering;
And seeing, thou didst not stand,
But wast moved wholly,
Moved to be wise.

Thou hast me for a couch; rest thou upon Me.

Who I am thou shalt know when I depart
what now I am seen to be, that I am not.
[But what I am] thou shalt see when thou comest.

If thou hadst known how to suffer,
Thou wouldst have power not to suffer.
Know[then] how to suffer, and thou hast power not to suffer.

That which thou knowest not, I Myself will teach thee.

I am thy God, not the Betrayers's
I would be kept in time with holy souls.
In Me know thou the Word of Wisdom.

Say thou to Me again:

Glory to Thee, Father!
Glory to Thee, Word!
Glory to These, Holy Spirit!

But as for Me, if thou wouldst know what I was:
In a word I am the Word who did play [or dance] all things, and was not shamed at all.
"Twas I who leaped [and danced]
But do thou understand all, and understandin, say:

Glory to Thee, Father!


( And having danced these things with us, Beloved, the Lord went forth.
and we, as though beside ourselves, or awakened out of [deep] sleep, fled each our several ways).

I'll have to get back later Lisa.

I hope you like this, or can see some light in it.

Jesus taught them to dance in circles, one circle then smaller circles entering the circle.

this is connected to the science of gematria, it is the true science.

all my love

6:41 AM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Thanks, Molly!
I just might do that because I still
have issues, baggage related to this subject. I'm doing a lot better though, lately - for obvious reasons!
You guys! :)


7:57 AM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

I love this stuff. Someone that I loved once taught me about these things. He passed away this year.
But he set my mind a blaze with these subjects, and that hasn't died.
I want to reply more at length, but i
don't have the time right at this moment. Thanks for commenting!


8:43 AM  

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