Monday, June 13, 2005

Attention: People Living Outside Of California!

When you make jokes about Californians being like a bowl of cereal- fruits, nuts, and flakes...
You are right! California IS full of whackos, a lot of celebrities and their fanatical hangers- on,
butt- kissers, wannabes, MAW's, you are right! New age people.
I've lived on both coasts, and I know.

My Point: It really kind of seems like another country to me, the East coast is so different.
It's like Canada to us. Might as well be Canada, really. Or maybe the West coast would be
comparable to Canada. The east coast seems to be more pragmatic, um, how do I put this?
Without offending anyone?
It's funny, because face to face I tend to be outspoken, and unafraid. Why am I being so shy about speaking my mind on my own blog?

Well crap, this one thing just happened the other day ( here we go, off on a OT-rant), this tall teenaged girl with pale blonde hair came to my door.
Keep that in mind, people. Keep that in mind. SHE came knocking on MY door. I didn't seek
her out.
Girl knocks at my door, I answer, she launches into a " I'm needing to get points for blah blah"
Basically magazine sales. Only I actually think this particular kind is a scam. Where they have a card and they tell you they have to get points to win a vacation for themselves.
The premise is basically" Help me out, will ya? Help a poor student "
So that you think you're helping them by ordering magazines. If you pay by check, then they
have your bank numbers and phone number. Sometimes companies take this info and
compile a list with a lot of other people's info also, and sell it to another company. Other
companies, plural. Phone number lists, etc.
A lot of companies do that anyway, and it sucks. They sell these lists, info that they might have about you and others, even if they came by it legitimately.

Anyway, tall blonde girl launches into this schpeel ( say it out loud, I don't know how it's spelled), and she's friendly and smiling, and when I said "No thanks, not interested",
I was friendly. As soon as I said that, she did rudest thing, it was weird to me. As soon as
I started to say " No thanks, blah," she grabbed the card back from me but also her face dropped all pretense of being friendly and nice, and her true face came out. She stopped
smiling, looked mean and pissed, actually. Turned and started walking away, and here's
what set me off:
She was saying stuff under her breath, I couldn't hear exactly every word, but I got enough
to know that she was talking about me. She was grumbling, basically. Nobody is buying
magazines, and she's fed up. But she doesn't need to be insulting me right here, after knocking
on MY door on a pleasant Sunday afternoon!

Before I knew it, she started ot say something more, and I just blurted out without even
thinking " Shut Up, Bitch" in a warning voice. In a kinda " I will fuck you up, don't even
be fool enough to mess with me, Bitch" sort of voice.
And she immediately shut up and kept walking away.

Now, if you people only knew, I am a charming person, a nice person. Really, I am.
But I don't suffer fools gladly, and I don't put up with people trying to start shit with
me or treat me badly, especially if you aren't my ex-husband snd I don't love you.
I will speak my mind, and defend myself. And if you come knockin' at my door and
wanting to talk shit about me, you better either bring a gun or some friends, because
we are going to commence to some scrappin' if you insist on picking on me, starting trouble
with me.
I'm joking around, with my speech. But the idea behind it is real. Don't show up and then start
with me when I was minding my own business. I do feel kinda bad for the girl, but she needs
to get out of that job if she can't handle rejection and has trouble controlling herself.

I guess what I'm ultimately trying to say: Why should I be afraid to speak my mind in my own blog?
If you don't like what you are reading here, you can " Git out!" ( like these funny characters on South Park say in an exaggerated southern accent... If you don't like Amerrca you kin Giiit Out!")
I don't usually hide my opinions in real life. So I damned well shouldn't be the other way around.
Hiding my feelings and beliefs in print.

So I was basically trying to say, people on the other coast seem to be in general less inclined
to believe bullshit, even though this is where the NY Times comes from. But USUALLY, it SEEMS like they are more skeptical,
I guess. Hmm...

What I'm REALLY trying to say, and am getting sidetracked, I HATE how we are the
state that has thrice aquitted celebrities of major crimes, in the past few years. What, 10? Although there
ARE earlier serious celeb- aquittal cases. Lana Turner for one, I believe.

But out of those 3, the recent ones, O.J. is the one that gets me. I don't know enough
about the Robert Blake case to say that he was guilty and the jury was simply starstruck.
But in OJ's case, Cochran played that jury like a fiddle and they fell right into his plan and went
along with it, like he was the Pied piper of Hamlin.
They let their emotions rule, and the jurors
that didn't fall for it later came out and said that they felt pressured into changing their
votes because the other jury members were so passionate and heated about the issues.

That said, I believe the jury in this case really DID consider the facts of the MJ case, except
the lack of an alcohol conviction bothers me. Makes me wonder. The lesser offense of alcohol
to a minor WAS convictable, they proved that, even if they weren't able to prove the more
major offenses.
I personally (based upon info I obtained from various sources including smoking gun .com),
wouldve convicted on all except the conspiracy. But that is with my knowing specific details
that the jurors weren't allowed to see. On just the evidence presented, and with following the
letter of the law, yes, MJ was correct in walking, and I would've had to vote that way.
Except for the alcohol. They had him on that. Even if it IS trifling.

So I am hoping that they really DID consider the facts of the case, I believe they did.
Unlike the OJ jurors that came back from this months and months long trial in 3 hours
( 3 hours of deliberation, total!!! After all those months of evidence and testimony) with not guilty on all counts.
I remember watching that trial, also. I remember paying attention to the DNA evidence ,
and the hair and fibers, and blood, and I thought " Damn! He really DID do it! He is so busted!"
And then the aquittal! What happened? Wha?!

The MJ jurors DID consider the case, but A: they should've been sequestered.
and B: They WERE starstruck, regardless of the denial that is probably going on
right now.
C. Sneddon should've anticipated that Jackson was going to have the best attorneys
that money can buy and that it would be hard to prove, BECAUSE he is a celebrity,
and people don't like to believe that their idols can be evil monsters.
Because of that, he should have taken more time with investigating MJ. There are two
prior boys, and Diane Diamond said that there were legal documents, confidential ones
that are sealed even now, But in legal Latin jargon on both cases, he gave the equivalent
of an admission/apology. An apology. Which really does basically translate as an admission.
As the court TV people said, "Right charges, Wrong kid" .
Those two books that MJ had next to his bed, segregated and yet clearly in arms reach
of his bed, under lock and key, are the books. The two special books. The two special
books that tecnichally aren't illegal, and yet are sold as a package deal at the NAMBLA
I found out alll about those books, and damn. The books, everything, the secret
settlements that no one knew about ( with the equivalent of apologies on both cases confidential
documents) , all collectively form a big picture. They weren't able to prove it, Sneddon was
fed up, and anxious to finally get him, and so he rushed in instead of meticulously and slowly
building a case, on absolute tangible evidence. Should've known he'd need a slam dunk
in this case, or in any celebrity trial.
If you don't know what I'm ranting about, MJ was found not guilty on all counts.
Nuff said!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yer goddamned RIGHT!!! That chick that had the temerity to come to your door and then have a shitty attitude DESERVES WHAT SHE GETS!!! And as for MJ: Gee, I guess pedophilia is LEGAL in CA now...Well, for OJ, murder was made legal...Mebbe I'll go get me a couple o' cute little eleven year old boys and have 'em sleep in MY bed---well, it's PERFECTLY NORMAL, RIGHT?!? FUCK MICHAEL "babyfucker" JACKSON!!!

6:49 PM  

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