Tuesday, November 08, 2005

It's Voting Day!

Here in California we have a special election happening today,
it's kind of exciting. Pretty soon I will go vote. Whichever way
that I vote on the issues, at least know that they weren't made lightly,
based on hearsay. I have researched the issues, every single one.

People are riled, have been for a long time. I remember the last time I went to vote,
the presidential election, tensions were running so high that a loud argument broke out inside the polling
place! Right next to the voting booths! It was several Republicans against several
Democrats, it was happening right in front of me in the line. I think I started to chime in, but then the polling officials threatened us all, that we wouldn't be able to vote,
we would be kicked out. I stopped immediately.
Except that the others started up again when I was actually voting, and I said loudly
" I can't think!" Because I really couldn't concentrate with all the fighting.
The polling officials told them it was the last warning.
It's kinda funny because it was in a church. I'm not used to people swearing and
getting so obnoxious inside a church. Not that I go to church. But still.
And I admit that I shouldn't have joined in on the fight in the 1st place.

I was going to go on a rant just now about the propositions, but then I decided not to.
It's enough that I let my voting speak for me, and that I have researched the issues.


Blogger Dan L. said...

I was reading a commentary from you on Pete Townshend's blog. I noticed mention of our government, Christian faith and stem cell research. I decided to visit your blog, and I believe that I noticed you admit to not going to church. I would then assume that your religious ideals are somewhat in a state of flux...that is not unusual, you know.

If you are uncomfortable with any faith, want, or don't want to go to church, or whatever...that is certainly up to you to work out with your life and our Creator.

Now that I have hopefully paved the road to prove to you that I am not a preacher....

I will be the politician. You mentioned what I thought was something like (please excuse any errors by my quote) "why our government wants to veto Christian based beliefs like research on stem cells".

As a well educated source on such things, and with a sound mind, I must tell you...stem cell research is not in conflict with our government, our President, or most mainstream religions - across the board, period. I am not sure where you heard or read that from, but it is absolutely untrue. It is not the bulk of Christian based beliefs that identifies itself with stem cell research as a positive thing.

That is the first part. The second part is, FETAL stem cell research is associated with the unborn, indeed, the laboratory baby...fetus, son, daughter, hominid, all equal and the same. That (fetal) is the one that raises issues with the Christian maintstream. Please consider not to believe that our "government" is against Christian ideals. Our current President is (mostly) in line with that line of reasoning, and indeed...the Christian line of thought.

If I mis-understood your typed thoughts, perceived wrong, messed up...or whatever, please illuminate me as to what you meant, if otherwise.

We are all on a journey together!

Long live Mr. Pete Townshend, shaggy as he and the rest of us have been...all these years.



9:08 PM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Aw, Dan, I think you misinterpreted it, but that's ok! I actually agree with you! Was this post the one at Pete's blog? Or the one here?
I went back and re-read my blog post, and sure enough, I correctly mention that
" because Christians don't believe in stem cell research, they are vetoing it for all of us."
That's so cute, I do hear what you were trying to say, and I totally agree with you. Maybe take another look? Thanks for coming and visiting here, you're always welcome! : )

9:16 PM  
Blogger Gary said...

On the stem cell thing. The President, because of his personal religious views, will not fund stem cell research. This view is actually becoming the unpopular view because America has always been on the leading edge of science, and George Bush is standing in the way of that. Well, standing in the way of the Government taking credit for curing things like hearing loss (near and dear to me), spinal chord injuries, parkinsons and other horrible deseases. Luckily, privately funded research on this continues at places like the Hughes Medical Institute and other fine facilities around the world.. As they say... the band played on..

I loved your piece on voting. I voted today, have proudly taken part in every election since becoming a citizen in 1998. I will not share how I voted, just enjoyed that I still had that right.

9:36 PM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Oops! Mystery solved! I hope you see this, Dan!
It was Pete's blog, I see! And yes, I did kind of word that awkwardly, didn't I? I thought you were referring to my far back blog post " Why Republicans are losing me"
I completely see why you got that
impression, I totally could have worded that better.
Thanks for pointing it out, wonder if I should try to correct it or just leave it?

9:38 PM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Hi Gary,
yep, I see that I worded that wrong, at Pete's blog.
I'm trying to figure out if I should go correct it!
Hey, if you want, check out my older blog post "why republicans are losing me" for a better explanation , you'll have to click back a bit, but it's here.
Sorry you guys! : )

9:41 PM  

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