Sunday, November 06, 2005

Kareoke Fun...

Went to kareoke last night, I'm glad I did.
Right when I walked in, people were happy to see me,
made me feel welcome. I swear, it feels like Cheers when
this happens. Instead of saying "Norm!" They say " Lisa!"
It's good for my wounded soul.

The only thing that was difficulat was that right away someone
had made a request to the DJ, that I sing. I told him I wasn't ready
( takes me one drink to loosen up), but he made me anyway.

I started off with something vocally safe. " Feelin' Alright" by Joe
Cocker. People seemed to really like it. I do a good job on that one.
Once I determined that my voice was on, I moved forward with
other songs.
I always do that, start off with a "safe" song, and see how my voice is.

Actually, I have a little pattern, thing that I do when I'm on my way there.
I use one of those honey lemon throat lonzenges, really helps.
Let's see...
Oh, yeah, I did "Fairies Wear Boots" again. I love doing that one when
it goes for a long time without any rock songs. In fact, it was a spur- of- the- moment
choice in retaliation to someone doing Vanilla Ice.
People appreciated it, I could tell. When the song title " Fairies" by Black Sabbath appeared
on the screen, a big cheer went up.
I love that, it helps me to sing better.
It was such a good audience last night! Lots of enthusiastic applause. Let's see...
I sang "Sara" by Fleetwood Mac ( a choice based upon people always doing "Landslide" or
"Silver Spring" -wanted to hear some different FM).
I sang a few duets with people , but I can't remember which ones. It's getting a little
weird on that, if I'm lucky, people ask first. But frequently they don't ask, they choose
their song, get the mic, start singing, and then walk over to me and point the mic at me,
and there it is. Duet. Or they might have two mics with them, and hand me one.
I had to do " Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" with a young guy, looked like a frat boy.
Now, I managed to nail it, but it effectively wrecked my voice for
the rest of the night. It was almost the end of the night, anyway.
The thing is, I would never in a million years choose that song to do. I have had to sing
Bee Gees duets, I almost had to do a Grease duet when a pushy man wouldn't let up
on trying to talk me into it. I wound up just walking away, I had to. We would've gone
back and forth on that all night. I wasn't going to budge on it.
But it's funny, the songs that people want to do. " Staying Alive". " Ice Ice Baby"
" Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"

By the way, I have to be careful with the alcohol. One drink helps me loosen up,
but more than that and it gets risky, and it can be traumatically embarrassing. There was an incident once. lol
Kiss' "Rock n' roll all night and party everyday" became a catastrophe, I'd chosen it
because it seemed like an easy song, but oh, boy!

I didn't realize I was drunk until I was up there in front of people,
trying to sing it. It was horrifying. I could barely form any words, and I've noticed an
odd phenomenon, when a person has had too much to drink, song words suddenly
become waaay too fast. This has happened to many people there (It happened to a girl
named Z last night, and she didn't finish the song she'd been doing). It's like time in
general speeds up.

So I'm singing Kiss, the words are speeding by, and I'm having the revelation that I am shitfaced, standing in front of about 100-200 people.
Fortunately some kind souls picked up the words, and the whole bar joined in.
So we all sang it together, and I was relieved of my drunken Kareoke burden.
I've never done that again. Gotten to that point of drunkenness.
The kareoke itself is the rush. Playing rock star for an evening.


Blogger Bonfire Jones said...

Someone should do a Psychedelic karoke night. No alcohol allowed just acid & shrooms.

Try singing Bee Gees tunes with the glittering disco ball turning into John Travolta's head.

No. That's not a good idea. Keep the alcohol flowing.
Bonfire Jones

2:30 PM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

That created a funny image for me! : )
Thanks! I needed a laugh today.

3:03 PM  

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