Monday, October 31, 2005

Crexlin and Lerlerwah...

Hmm...Crexlin sounds like it could go with "butt" for some reason.
"Butt crexlin". It could be another name for a skid mark. Yuck.
It also
sounds like it could be an intellectual person. The opposite of cretin, maybe:

"That man is such a crexlin! Always reading all the time!
"What an irritating,
condescending crexlin you are!Fuck You!!"

The other word I was really enjoying was Ler-Ler-Wah. I was enjoying rolling
it off my tongue, it made me laugh when I looked it up in google just for the hell
of it. It asked me if I meant " Lerlerwa?" Like it was an actual word. I'm in a silly
mood tonight.
I haven't figured out if lerlerwah is going to be something. Maybe it could be a tender
word, to describe the feeling of having a crush on someone. Or intense love:

" I feel so lerlerwah about him. I wish I didn't. Because he's a goddamn irritating crexlin."
Or even better, lol:

" I hate feeling this lerlerwah about him, I would never normally wash the crexlin out of a
man's underwear! Yuck! He should do that himself!"


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