Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy 100th on Halloween!...

Wow, never thought I'd make it this far in the blogging process,
Happy 100th post, everybody!

I've been wanting to mention something for awhile now, I think I may
have mentioned this subject in the past:

I have a tendency towards repetition, and I know this. But I know where
it comes from, why I do it. It's a bad habit I need to break.
It's from hanging around a family of people that don't listen and are also sentence-
finishers. Interrupting constantly. They don't listen to anyone, it's not just me.

I started repeating myself because I figured that somewhere in the repeating, they'll
hear it, they'll get it. : )
It was odd, and at the end of the relationship(s), I couldn't stand it
anymore! In fact, that's a big part of WHY there was an end to it!

They actually cover this subject in a funny way on Seinfeld(I obviously watch the show, this is the second time I've mentioned it).
He briefly dates a woman who's a "sentence-finisher" , and a perfect example is this :
Jerry : I can't believe that movie-"
Woman interrupts: "Was so long, I know!"
Jerry : "- Ended underwater!"
That so perfectly sums up the types of verbal exchanges I had with this family. The
" people who talk over you" people. The "people who don't listen to anyone else" people.

So that's why I do keep repeating myself. I am aware of it, and I'm going to try and be more conscious of it from now on when I'm posting.
I should basically just do a better job of editing myself, in general.


Blogger shiney teeth and me said...

hey thanks... yah rock lee--- from a totally awesome show--- NARUTO... dont watch the american dubbed version if you are interested... watch the captioned japanese version :-)

happy halloween :-D

4:45 PM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Hey, thanks! :D
I think I might try to get a Rock Lee doll...

5:35 PM  

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