Friday, November 04, 2005

Housing in L.A....

When we lived in L.A., in two different areas, a specific
thing happened to our family, twice! And it was kind of a rare and disturbing
occurrence to happen even once!
First, in Long Beach...

My Mom was babysitting two little boys from next
door. I was little then, myself. Couldn't have been more than 5.
And yet I remember this so vividly. These two blonde little boys,
they are staying with us. My brother and I are getting sick of it,
for one thing, they are even younger then we are. We don't even
really like them...

Except after awhile my Mom starts making disturbing little comments,
musings. I don't remember if she actually told my brother and I what was going
on, or we overheard it somehow.
But my Mom was starting to make comments to the effect of " I have a baaad
feeling about this. I think we're going to need to find some other relatives."

Because this was what happened : The boys mother had left them with us and was supposed
to come back after a day or so, but she never did! She literally never came back. A
week went by, before my mom did anything. She'd tried to give the lady a chance to come back.

Ultimately my mom managed to find the husband and father of the boys, and he confirmed it.
She wasn't dead or wounded. She decided she didn't want to be a mother anymore, and
took off. My mom was really pissed.
The Dad came and got the boys.
Actually, these were the same neighbors that had their car stripped completely, practically down to a skeleton. Wheels gone, etc. We bought a big car alarm after that. I'd written about that before.

A few years later, when I was about 12, the same thing happened again!

We lived in housing, in Camarillo, at this point. Overall better than Long Beach.
L.B. was gnarly.
Oxnard was bad, too. Lived there for a brief time before moving to Camarillo...

Anyway, so we are in Camarillo, I'm 12. The lady next door leaves her daughter of about
8 (shy kid with glasses and brown hair) with us for a day or two.
You can guess what happened next. Yep.

She never came back! And my Mom had the key to their house next door. She actually took
me with her to go next door, and check out the house. I almost think she was scared to go
by herself.
As soon as we opened the door, we saw a giant paperHalloween witch strung up in the living room, and the place was thrashed! My mom made me wait in the entrance while she
went to check out the rest of the house. I think she was afraid that foul play, robbery had
But she came back and said " It's just as bad up there as it is down here. She's gone, and she seems to have taken everything of value".
That's the reason my mom thought a robbery had ocurred, the TV was gone, stereo, everything! But the stuff that wasn't taken, like the coffee table, etc, was overturned, trash
and papers were strewn everywhere. I think she'd even taken trash out of the kitchen and dumped it in the middle of the living room!
My mom said that the woman was insane, clearly not in her right mind to have
done these things.

So we had to call, notify "K" the dad, and when he got home and looked in his house, he stood
there and started crying like a baby. Sobbed, everything. It was so sad. I wasn't used to grown
men crying like that.
My entire family went over there, and we cleaned up the house. The living room, anyway.
My mom and dad comforted K and settled him down. Oddly enough, I can't remember where
the girl was, the daughter. I don't even remember her name. She was so quiet all the time.
Such a sad thing.

Isn't that kind of weird, though? The same thing happening twice like that!
I almost think that my family must have made a good impression on other families, at
that point. Before everything went bad.

BTW, K and his daughter were ok, they got over it after awhile. K was a pretty nice guy, actually. Good sense of humor. My family wound up befriending him, when we hadn't even known him before this.


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