Friday, March 02, 2007

Most Excellent Show...

They kicked out the jams for Roger's Birthday.:)
I need to look around for reviews of last night's show to help me outline my own. I did write a few things to a friend last night. I was amped up after I got home. Since she liked one of the things I wrote in particular, I might go ahead and post it here:

" Aw, there was this couple next to me, the guy was so excited, he kept high -fiving me. He couldn't believe they were doing ...oh, various things. Pinball wizard. See me feel me (Listening to you). He was one of those good natured types that high-five's people a lot, I guess.
They were so cute. The woman, she was a little high, something. But I tried to high- five her, too, after I high -fived her husband because we were having a happy little moment, but she didn't understand. So I patted her on the shoulder and smiled
in an understanding way. But it was sweet, a second later her husband took her hand, by her wrist, held it out, and she took my hand in a very warm friendly grab. She just didn't understand initially, and I guess he wanted me to know it. But when she got it she was very enthusiastic and really grabbed my hand hard and smiled. So it was almost like a 3 people victory hand joining.
I'm trying to describe a very cool slightly corny moment but not doing a good job of it. :)
I like how music can make people like family temporarily.
But Roger and Pete, they put that vibe in the air tonight. Definitely Rog is feeling it intensely, that family /friend love, all of what Pete is putting out. And it's so infectious.Plus Pete was just so ON musically, wow.
I've been to a lot of concerts that didn't make people feel close like that."

Sorry, that's all I got for now. :)
****Note***** Poor Metalchick! She just called me, she wants to post about last night
at her blog, but there's problems with her connection up there. So her review will be
postponed until then. I feel for her, that would be frustrating.And it was a helluva show.:) I'm glad she made it home safely.


Blogger Gary said...

He He.. sounds like they kicked some San Diego ass!

2:27 PM  
Blogger elena said...

Sounds great Lisa!!!

4:17 PM  
Blogger Dan L. said...

I think you are right about music inventing a temporary family. I was around in L.A. for the ATTIC JAM in November when you were there, and we were family, were we not?

Were you my aunt or my sister?

--Dan L.

4:40 PM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Your aunt, Dan?
Um, how old are you?
How old do you think I am, if I look like your aunt? Wow! lol

5:11 PM  
Blogger PTfan said...


5:15 PM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

WoooWHOOOO!!!! Indeed!:)
Pete was in top form.Definitely, kicked ass.:D

5:21 PM  
Blogger Cathy with a C said...

I'm glad you and Metalchick had a good time!

Cathy xo

8:02 PM  
Blogger Ronzi said...


Thanks for the insight.. I didnt get to see the boys yet down here in the southeast.

Hope you are well.

L- Ronzi

8:03 PM  
Blogger Amanda and SuperAmanda™ said...

Glad to know MC had a great trip and made it home safely :)

AND you sound so happy! You, the undisputed guitar goddess of blogger derserved to have such a great time !!!!!

Thanks for such a great post :)

12:36 AM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Hey now! Ronzi, Cathy C, Super-super- Amanda! :)
And Elena, DL, Gary, PTfan,
That's so great that you guys relate to my post and understand how it was. :D
And I have to admit, Amanda,I LOVE that
"Undisputed guitar goddess of blogger" title, I earned it through
bravery lol
And practice! As you've seen. ;) xoxoxoxoxoLisa

11:11 AM  
Blogger grace said...

Sounds like another great Who show.You're right about how music can make people like family. Curious to see if you got into Hotel Cafe tonite.


6:49 PM  
Blogger Anne-Marie said...

Hi Lisa,
good to read that you had a fab time!

9:00 AM  
Blogger Metalchick said...

Hi I'm back!
It sure was fun! and thank you once again for walking with me to the stadium. They sure did kick out those jams! Yeah!

Anyways, my review is up on my blog, and I'm putting it up on MySpace too.

3:13 PM  
Blogger ginab said...

Cool view of the audience. Like MC, you reminded me of other details I enjoyed back in December. You do a great job of showing the real and unique unity that occurs in a Who audience. I really enjoyed reading your post!

Good for you for seeing them twice (so far) on this tour!


8:21 PM  
Blogger grace said...

Hi Lisa, I appreciate your comments on my blog on a previous post. Most honest and sincere. Thank you, it means a whole lot to me. xx grace

8:44 PM  

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