Friday, February 09, 2007

Something that bothered me...

More than 12 hospitals now ( another one reported tonight) around Los Angeles have had charges filed for dumping elderly sick homeless people on the streets. This one today: A man in a soiled hospital gown clutching a colostomy bag was dumped onto the sidewalk, literally, by a woman in a hospital van. Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital. When witnesses saw what was happening, the man laying on the sidewalk, they yelled, and the woman reportedly yelled back: "You help him!" and drove away.
And yet in Boston millions was reportedly spent on those ad promos that were found around the city, planted by the cartoon network. And no other cities, cities that had these same promos, none of them reacted this way.
That isn't the point. Boston. The point is that the US is really out of control with the spending on security measures, when they don't give a fuck about their sick or elderly citizens to begin with.
More and more hospitals in the U.S. are apparently feeling that it's ok to dump sick people on the streets to lay helpless clutching their colostomy bags. He didn't even have clothing on, other than a hospital gown!
Why is the US spending millions to protect this man from terrorists? They are taking the money from that elderly man's social security and other health-related programs and dumping him on the street to lay in his own filth on the streets of LA in broad daylight. I dunno. This is crazy to me!


Blogger Metalchick said...

Hi Lisa,
That really bothers me too! I've heard about the homeless being dumped on Skid row and it makes me sick! isn't there a law that says that a hospital cannot turn away a patient? even if they can't pay?

About what happened in Boston, that was ridiculous! They overreacted to those promo signs, the Cartoon Network had placed the Aqua teen Hunger Force promo signs around nine different cities, including New York City! and they didn't react at all! I think this country has overreacted too much!

7:37 PM  
Blogger E.L. Wisty said...

I just can imagine how many of the doctors feel about this. I would imagine most people choose medical profession to help people, but now they can't. I'm pretty sure the hospital administrators kicked them out if they treated people who cannot afford to pay for the treatment. At least I hope this is still the case - that it hasn't become so that the doctors no longer care either :(

Can't the democrat majority senate and congress do anything? Can Bush do something like this without asking them? Or are they so lame that they don't oppose him?

3:11 PM  
Blogger JoeBoy said...

The US Healthcare System is broken and when the Insurance Companies get all they want, they will be the first in line to sign up people for a Social HealthCare System. People miss the fact that the insurance companies run the system today. They force the hospitals to dump people as a matter of survival. The Dollar means everything is Healthcare today and the few that are in it for humane reasons are slowly going away.

1:28 PM  
Blogger Gary said...

Yes, I heard about this story, the poor fellow who was staggering around skid row. Heartbreaking.

8:36 AM  

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