Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Meaning Of Quatildus...

I never did tell what the meaning of Quatildus ( or quatildii)
is. It's kind of hard to explain, but I've been privately referring to
things as quatilii or quatildus for quite awhile now.
I did have the meaning already, when I first wrote about it.
But I felt like it was kind of personal, for some reason.

A Quatildus ( or quatildii) is when you know that something bad is going to happen,
a certainty ( premonition), and you do everything you can to stop the thing from happening, and it happens anyway. IOW, it's kinda like fate, destiny, kismet, but with a twist.

I can give examples: the past couple of years have been very much full of quatildii, and it
sucks. It's lame.
I became certain last year that someone was going to damage my car, in a hit and run type
situation. I was really detailed about it, did everything I could to prevent it, and in fact spewed
about it to all my neighbors. It happened. Went out there on a Monday morning, and my
car had 873 bucks worth of damage. I had actually parked it in what I thought was a more safe
spot from where it had been previously! Turned out I put the car in a path of danger by doing so! It was a damned quatildus. I knew for no earthly reason why it was going to happen, but I knew. And did everything I could to stop it. And it happened anyway.
Another quatildus:
For aboutthe same 2 years I've also been spewing that I think someone is going to try and steal my identity.
It was almost an obsession. I was more careful than anyone ( I thought), and in an almost OCD way!
A series of odd, strange things happened that were completely out of my control. I simultaneously got hit by different people. Someone stold my mail. Other mail apparently
got stolen by someone else. It is thought that it happened in the post office. I was told that.
But yes, someone also took my mail from here, our mail boxes were a joke ( they've since been fixed). K and M's mail
also got stolen. Also the bank screwed up and mailed my new checks to my old address.
See? I had not a damned thing to do with it. I somehow KNEW it was going to happen, I tried like hell to prevent it from happening, to the point where I was developing obsessive compulsive disorder lol. Trying to stay ahead of this.
And it happened anyway. : (
I'm not going to go into a lot of detail, but it has been a major headache and a lot of hassle, stress, and sadness to try and do damage control. To try and fix the quatildus.
This is an extremely bad subject for me, which is why I haven't been writing lately, and why
I didn't talk about what a quatildus is. It's like a premonition coupled with predestiny.
Something like that.
There was an unfortunate increasing need for a word to describe the many horrible events of the past few years. Many quatildii have happened in the past couple of years.
Leads me to believe that you can change some things, but other things, forget it. I don't
believe EVERYTHING is predestined. But something is definitely up with that. My radar seems like it's working full force these days.


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