Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Blogger ginab said...

Okay, we're both cool or we're as cool as Justin (tho we're maybe not as cute as Justin and Justin isn't as cute as his kid). Cool finds cool--I'd left a note on Leon's note--anywho, that's what I believe or my sense of it is way off the mark, loot, mulla.

I'm getting a little sick of the tone on the other anyway. Lordy. Wanted to say hi.

1:08 PM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

If we are cool as Justin, then that's very cool indeed.
And I hear ya about the tone ( I think I do, anyway), actually noticed it this morning, myself.
And Hellooo!

xo Lisa

2:12 PM  
Blogger Claire Eliza said...

Justin has a great blog! And he is very cool, but so are you guys!
Thank you nabonidus, for all the comments. they make me feel so good!
the encouragement is great for me to read.
well, i must go jam with my drummer!
thanks again...

- claire -

p.s. Yes, I'm glad you can relate to the arrogant singer. do not worry, i'll never be like that! hehe.

3:40 PM  

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