Wednesday, June 27, 2007

*Important* When My Computer Died:

I keep forgetting this, even though it's important:
When my computer died I lost everything. everyone's email addresses, everything.
In fact, it was that kind of huge loss where you don't/can't grasp what all you've lost at first. You register the big stuff right away, and then it becomes the gift that keeps on giving. Yesterday I realized I was missing certain people's emails. Unfortunately, it was the email address of someone that no longer has their email address up. Which reminded me to mention this here. I have tried and been able to
replace some, but others, no. I wanted to make a list of people and post it here, but then it occurred me that they should have their privacy respected.
It has hurt to lose some of these addresses, I can't easily replace them.

Anyway, I guess how I'll play this is:
If I have emailed you before, and if you've emailed me, and you haven't heard from
me in email for a long time, this might be why. I *would* email certain people with what's going on but I can't.
Dang it, my space bar keeps sticking. Recently I posted "noticeable" as "notice able"
at someone else's blog. :)
Hope you all are fine! Email me! Go ahead! Although I don't want no stinkin' spam.:P


Blogger Anne-Marie said...

Hi Lisa,
Just so you know, my email addie is on my profile page, yours to use anytime if you need to vent or say hi.


4:47 AM  
Blogger ginab said...

mine is too (I ditto Anne-Marie).


8:12 AM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

I didn't see yours, AM! :P

11:07 AM  
Blogger Anne-Marie said...

Oops Lisa! I didn't realise I removed it.

1:41 PM  
Blogger TedMaloney said...

Lisa (Now I know your name and don't have to call you Nab!),

Buy yourself a Maxtor external hard drive (120, 180 or 200GB)and backup your files every day (or every week). You'll be glad you have them backed-up.

Tell me when you get one and I'll write a batch file that you can run that will back up your whole computer.


12:20 PM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Will do Ted, definitely when I can! Thanks a lot! :)xo

9:01 AM  

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