Friday, December 02, 2005


Blogger Claire Eliza said...

Oh, I like this one a lot. Your voice makes it sound fabulous.
I loved the Jimmy cover too, did you really do that by ear? Ugh I SUCK at that, I've only done the lead to Evolution by Ronnie Lane by ear, and its so bloody easy (lol). Okay I'm kind of exagerating, I can do stuff by ear but it takes like seven years...My guitar teacher helps me with most stuff.
- claire -

6:45 PM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Thanks, Claire!
I actually played that because
it's sooo easy that I can concentrate on trying to sing well.
The Jimmy Page thing, yeah, by ear. It's rhythm and lead both.But I couldn't play both at once, so I had to do one and then the other!
BTW, I'm sure you kick ass on guitar!
And the lead to Evolution,jeez! Better than I could do at your age,seriously!

6:56 PM  
Blogger E.L. Wisty said...

Hi Lisa,

I must confess ignorance on Morphine and I don't know how faithful to the original your version is, but it sure did inspire me to look up the original version!

8:50 AM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Heh, EL, my cover sounds totally different, and yet i know it's the right chords.
I just don't have mandolins, etc.
I like how I've managed to create a
cover of the kind we were talking about. I had to eliminate a verse for the time factor. Sang my two favorite verses instead.

9:01 AM  
Blogger E.L. Wisty said...

Are you familiar with It offers services for uploading among other things videos and share them on your blog on blogger. There's no limit to the size/length of the videos. You upload a video on the website, copy the HTML given and paste it in the blog entry. The video is then shown as streaming video on the blog. I used this service for the Greta Garbo "documentary" and also now for another comedy clip I posted. Seems to work quite well - except in one sense: they say the processing of the upload so that it appears in your account should take 5 minutes. On both times it has taken several hours for me.

10:26 AM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Hmm...very interesting.As you know, that's why these videos of mine have all been heavily abridged versions. That 2 minute time factor. Hmm...
Thanks for the info, Maria! xoxoLisa

1:43 PM  
Blogger Bri said...

Lisa, I really like this one! Thank you for posting it.


1:35 PM  

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