Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Yeah! Good news!

So Mike B just called, and I told him about the idea of the cam,
and he said "Oh, you want to be on video, too? Hell, I've got a camera,
doesn't sound like you are wanting a whole lot in the way of editing, and details.
We'll just set you on a stool with a mic and guitar and have at it, if that's what
you want, that's easy!" lol
I said "Yeah, that would be great, but also I'll want to watch how you do the mp3 stuff,
I need to learn how to do all that sort of thing."
So we have tentative plans to jam, record on Friday and I'm happy about that! I miss
jamming with other people.
But also I'm going to get one of these cams anyway, I think.
Yeah! :D


Blogger E.L. Wisty said...

Wooh! Great news, very glad for you!

Haven't got a cam myself but these digital ones are supposed to be dead easy: wanting to transfer stuff from the camera to the comp, just connect the two devices with a cable, the computer will automatically recognize the device and puts up advice to install the driver proggie that comes with the camera. Also in most cases yo u get the software for handling and editing the videos. The next time you want to do the same, it's all the same, all you've got to do is connect the camera to the computer with the cable.

11:08 AM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Thanks Maria,
That's the part I'm nervous about, the installing everything part of it.
Once it's to the point where I can just plug the thing in every time I want to use it, I'll be happy.I like that part.

11:31 AM  
Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

$9.95 a month....ROFL you are killing me over on Rachel's blog! LMAO!

You go girl!

7:29 PM  
Blogger ginab said...

Yeah! I can't wait to hear you. I can never watch the attic on my rinky-dink MAC, but I can listen. It's odd.

Anyway, a jam session on Friday! Yeah! Day after turkey day, yeah!

7:32 PM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Hey, I had to be honest!lol
I'm poor but honest :)
So I have to try to haggle,lol.
p.s. But ya gotta admit the subscription idea isn't that bad.:)

7:36 PM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

How funny, I had a mere question, and
then thought twice about it after asking.All I wanted to know was why you had never said anything about
the story.
I thought twice out of consideration.
I was curious about you, that's all.
Your clothing is amusing to me.
Didn't expect a big, riled editorial
from you.
What, you got a problem with me now?
After I was trying to be nice?
Hit the road, skank.
I could care less what you do at Pete's or anyone else's blog - except mine.
You came fucking with me, bitch.

9:01 PM  
Blogger E.L. Wisty said...

Hi Lisa,

I noted the clothing as well. I find nudism a wonderful idea (as E.L. Wisty says) and everyone can wear as much or little as they want. But if you're a female fan with heterosexual tastes an d write on your male idol's blog with a picture of you half naked, as a feminist I find that a bit demeaning. Is the point to make the idol find you attractive and desirable? If so, why is it necessary to get half-naked for that? If you want to attract your idol's attention, don't you want it to be because of what you say and think? I can't claim to know another person's motivations but doing something like that gives a pretty clear implication, especially if you talk about a "young unattached woman in this flirtatious circumstance".

6:42 AM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Thank you so much, Maria!
Had I calmed down a bit before posting
my reply, I might've done a better job of explaining.
But you had my back, and said what I was trying to!
That's awesome!

The reason I got so pissed is that I'd tried to smooth things over and apologize right away, over at her blog.I'd realised that I sounded accusitory, mean. Even if I felt the way you posted.I'd caught that "Oh what's a girl to do?" BS myself.
But I had apologized, and even asked
that she throw my remarks away.
To come looking for me and spew forth like that, to me that was someone trying to start trouble,
drama with me.
So I went "ghetto" for a minute there, I can't help that I have that
in me.It's where I came from.But
I don't ever usually let that side show. I don't really like it.

So I hope my blogging friends like you know what a genuinely nice person I really am! And how I hate drama and anger.
But this post of yours says that you do know. I just love you, EL!

6:58 AM  
Blogger Kid Ric said...

In response to HELP! Here is the URL to the time zones. http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/

See you then.

Peace, love and light.

8:31 AM  
Blogger ginab said...

Some people!

The attic airs at 7PM UK time, which I believe is 11a.m. your time ('your' as in 'Lisa').

Check out the world clock: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/


8:33 AM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Thanks Ginab and Kid Ric!!!
I realized that I was going to go to the store and get last minute Thanksgiving items,at around that exact time! I would have missed it! :O
That was a major help, you guys!

8:37 AM  

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