Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Blogger Nabonidus said...

Heh, I'm commenting to my own blog -
look at how red my face looks! I realize that I look feverish. I looked just now in the mirror, it wasn't a trick of camera light.
So I look sick in addition to feeling sick. And I'm feeling really weird and bad. Great.
Time to go night-night..:/

5:46 PM  
Blogger lryicsgrl said...

you do make me laugh.

You did a good job, despite your illness.
Hard song to cover.

FEEL better!


5:48 PM  
Blogger Claire Eliza said...

Yes, you still sound very good!
Thanks for posting it, I love watching them.
I hope you feel better Lisa, I hate being sick and feeling awful.
Maybe you won't feel as bad in the morning.
- claire -

6:10 PM  
Blogger MsAmber said...

Practice has really paid off. That was great.
You are really getting better at playing while singing.
I feel privileged to witness the boldening of your style.


6:19 PM  
Blogger Ticharu said...

Rest your voice baby, that was great! The silouette of your face in that light works really well too. Now I can see your lips move, but not the fretboard, and a little more light (just a little)so I can see your hair shine (you have wild hair) it's great!
I come here every day now to get my Lisa fix!

6:06 AM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Hey Thanks you guys!
Claire: I DO feel a little better this morning, maybe I'm trying to get sick, but fighting it!
Amber : I can totally tell, too! It's
really cool the way I can chart my improvements this way!
Ticharu: I didn't even notice the subtle differences, I was so focused on my voice and how red my face looked! But I like the fact that you are checking the clips out regularly! I need to go check out the newer stuff you've posted. :)
Thanks you guys!

6:59 AM  
Blogger Mary Beth said...

Hey Lisa - Even if your throat is sore, I have to say this still sounded great! Woke up myself with one side of my throat sore...guess it's that time of year. No fever for me yet, though, thank goodness! :)

I hope you're feeling better!

7:02 AM  
Blogger Mike S said...

Keep it up Lisa,sounding good.
The last time I had a guitar
it was imitation Gibson electric.
Peter Frampton was at a guitar
store signing guitars and stuff
so I got mine signed and then
sold it on ebay for $1,100.00
in order to buy two front row
tix for The Who in Atlanta 2000.
No regrets but I may buy an acoustic this time out.Hope
you're feeling better.

9:38 AM  
Blogger lryicsgrl said...

Are you better?
I like your new profile picture, but how come it is not the same as when you comment?
Excuse me for not knowing my terminology.
I am a novice at this grid stuff.

Looking forward to another song. How about Behind Blue Eyes?

Take it easy girl.


1:49 PM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Hi you guys, thanks for the positive words!!
Hey Sue, I actually haven't really posted anywhere yet, I just did this, just now lol. Like, I hadn't had a chance. I'm now going around testing it, to see if it's working. This is a brand new thing. So we'll see.I think that's the issue anyway. xoxoLisa

2:04 PM  
Blogger Claire Eliza said...

you look HOT

2:31 PM  
Blogger Suesjoy said...

Hope you feel better soon!
Lots of people around me have colds...I better load up on vit. C-
you better too!
When you feel better we should have some and chat!
Take good care,

2:32 PM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Aw, lolol, thanks, Claire!You're so sweet.:)
And Suesjoy, thanks for the reminder -
I did buy some vit c to take because yep, everyone's starting to get colds
including myself. I'm fighting it.

2:34 PM  
Blogger JoeBoy said...

Get well soon. Love your post.

3:46 PM  

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