Saturday, February 25, 2006


Abarajame is an OLD rap song, all Spanish, it makes me LMAO.
I have no idea what they are singing. No idea whatsoever. Although I am
able to distinguish a couple of naughtier words here and there, like "puta".
Or "culo". Or "Maricon"
Someone watching me listen to this would think I fully know what they are singing. That I was bilingual. I have no idea. They could be singing about killing women or bringing back the holocaust, but they are singing it so humorously it makes me laugh every single time I hear it.
And how do I hear it? Why,in my i-tunes! I actually managed to track this song down after seeing it on Latin American MTV. I loved the video, they were parodying David Carradine, Kung Fu, which I loved. I loved Kung Fu. And there was a Mexican woman on a balcony gyrating in an electric blue bikini, with a huge fro. There were many funny images in the video.And yet I actually liked the song, too.
I've mentioned this a long time ago, but no one that was reading my blog back then spoke Spanish. If anyone speaks Spanish, has a good sense of humor, doesn't mind swear words and is willing to to go the trouble, Please go download " Abarajame" by ilya Kuryaki and the Valderramas, listen to it, and see if you can get some insight into this for me. I love this song, it makes me laugh, but if it's really something rude, I do want to know.
Ah, a boring Saturday morning without Pete.;)


Blogger E.L. Wisty said...

I would gladly download it if I knew any Spanish! Oh well...

It is boring isn't it? Normally there'd be the chapter and endless things to talk about with it! Instead I'm almost falling asleep trying to read an article. Bleh...

9:23 AM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Shucks! I'd been hoping you could help...
Actually, you should download it just for fun, seriously. I really think it would make you laugh, the way it does me. I understand barely a word of it myself. lolol
It's the way he sings it, plus the beat, you can dance to it. lol :D

I think I might work on another one of my clips. :)

9:30 AM  
Blogger Rose said...


I'll get my roommate's boyfriend to have a listen to it. He's from Guatamala. :)

"Abarajame" by Ilya Kuryaki and the Valderramas... okie dokie.

I don't know about this being a Saturday morning "without" Pete. That map made me laugh so hard. All the squiggly writing and the bad Paint drawings... I'm highly entertained. Think of this like a semester break. Get out there and do a bunch of other things before we all head back to "school", that is, the METHOD. (Dramatic Orchestral swell.)

(feeling goofy today...)

11:28 AM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

Jack, you should download it and have a listen, lol, you'll see why I'm intrigued :D
Heheh, oughtta just have it playing,
"seemingly by chance" when he comes would be hilarious to see you sitting there kinda rockin' with the music.lololol :)

11:47 AM  
Blogger Nabonidus said...

And you're right about the pdf thingy Jack, it was so cute! I was afraid to try it because I had trouble with that adobe acrobat stuff before, I never got the Attic video that everyone got in the mail because I couldn't open the pdf at the time, to fill out the survey. :(
But I did chance it just now and it was so funny. You were right! :)

11:55 AM  
Blogger PTfan said...

Ok, all I saw here was the word Kung-Fu and I immediately thought of Hong Kong Fooey!!! Remeber that cartoon??!!!!

6:23 PM  
Blogger elena said...

Oppppssss, I have posted a translation of the song in the comment where you play Bargain....

4:58 PM  

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