The last time I felt this way, sort of desperate, sad, scared - I wound up drinking and home perming. The drunken home perm fiasco. In fact, to the right, you'll see my current blog photo, with long, flowing bangs. This isn't a very old photo, yet it must be pre-drunken home perm. My bangs went with the home perm. I wore kerchiefs on me 'ead aftwards, as evidenced in this stunning previous profile photo:
- - - Yep.
Anyway, I've heard it said that when women are going through hard times in their life- times where they feel things aren't in their control- they tend to do something drastic to their hair. It was in context of Brittany Spears' head shaving incident. But I know this is true. And I immediately thought of my own recent experiments.
Well, I am now feeling this way again. Recognizing it was good, I didn't do any hair cutting or drastic actions, but I did have some fun recently experimenting with temporary dyes.
- - - Another one:
- - - A drunk man followed me onto the beach and then all the way on my walk yesterday.
I got a lot of attention yesterday with this hair,I wasn't prepared for that.
Immediately afterwards (after extricating myself from the friendly homeless guy)I went and got something to tone it down. It was pretty, but more flamboyant than I
When my hair was wet, temporary illusion, it suddenly looked very dark. This
was something I'd not ever tried, to go darker with my hair. I turned the webcam
on and snapped a few pics:
- - - One more (excuse the old pajama top in the photos - what better to dye in?):
- - - *Note* I'm growing my bangs out. I miss the long hair in front-this is how far it's grown since the perm-burn in front.. :(
So should I go brunette? Like the illusion above? Or go back to dark blonde hair? I'm feeling dark with my mood, so I guess I'm wanting to show it with my hair. I have to go to divorce court in a couple of days, maybe there's a subconscious desire to throw off my ex, surprise him...Hmmm....
Hope all's well with everyone! Happy Father's Day to all you Dad's out there!:)xoxoxo